Jetmav android app is an educational app through which students can access various study materials like past questions and lecture notes.

This post is about how to purchase Jetmav codes in bulk at a very cheap rate. You can sell these codes to make profit.

Before we proceed, here are some important links:

To download Jetmav app, click here.

To purchase just one Jetmav code for personal use, click here.

For more information on how to use Jetmav app, click here.

-When you purchase Jetmav codes in bulk, You are given 30% discount.

-You can proceed to sell the codes to students and make profit.


-Visit our webite,

-You will see the interface below

-Click on “Bulk Purchase”

-It will take you to the form below

  • You select your payment method (ATM card or Bank Deposit)
  • Enter the amount of code you want. (The amount you want each code to be.)
  • Enter the number of codes you want.
  • Enter you email address (optional)
  • Click proceed.

You will be taken to a page where you can confirm your purchase and proceed with payment.

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